Source materials integral to the production of the radio broadcast and gallery show.
Acheson, James M., The Lobster Gangs of Maine, 1988, University Press of New England, Hanover, N.H.
Allen, Bem P., Growing Up White in America, 2007, iUniverse, Inc., New York.
Batignani, Karen Wentworth, Maine’s Coastal Cemeteries, A Historic Tour, 2003, Down East Books, Camden, Maine.
Black, Edwin, The War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, 2003, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York.
Bruinius, Harry, Better for All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America’s Quest for Racial Purity, 2006, Vantage Books, New York.
Cohen, David Steven, The Ramapo Mountain People, 1974, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.
Cross, June, Secret Daughter: A Mixed-Race Daughter and the Mother Who Gave Her Away, 2006, Viking, New York.
Daniel, G. Reginlad, More than Black? : Multiracial Identity and the New Racial Order, 2002, Temple University Press, Philadelphia.
Goddard, H. H., The Kallikak Family, 1939, MacMillan Company, New York.
Lee, Maureen Elgersman, Blck Bangor: African Americans in a Maine Community, 1880-1950, 2005, University Press of New England, Hanover, N.H.
Gallagher, Nancy L., Breeding Better Vermonters: The Eugenics Project in the Green Mountain State, 1999, University Press of New England, Hanover, N.H.
Kennedy, Randall, Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word, 2002, Vintage Books, New York
Kennedy, Randall, Interracial Intimacies: Sex, Marriage, Identity, and Adoption, 2003, Pantheon Books, New York.
Kimball, Richard S., Pineland’s Past: The First One Hundred Years, 2001, Peter Randall, Portsmouth, N.H.
McBride, James, The Color of Water: A Black Man’s Tribute to His White Mother, 1996, Riverhead Books, New York.
Mitchell, Steve, The Shame of Maine: The Forced Eviction of Malaga Island Residents, 1999, self-published, Brunswick, Maine.
Mitchell, Steve, The Shame of Maine: Malaga – The Story Behind the Pictures, 1999, self-published, Brunswick, Maine.
Mitchell, Steve, The Shame of Maine: What Ever Became of the Residents of Malaga?, 2005, self-published, Brunswick, Maine.
Mosher, John, No Greater Abomination: Ethnicity, Class, and Power Relations on Malaga Island, Maine, 1880-1912, 1991, Masters Thesis, University of Southern Maine, American and New England Studies Program.
Phippsburg Historical Society, Stories of Phippsburg, Maine, Vol. 1, 1993.
Phippsburg Historical Society, Phippsburg, Fair to the Wind, 1995, Penmor Lithographers, Inc., Lewiston, Maine.
Phippsburg Historical Society, Stories of Phippsburg, Maine, Vol. 2, 2003.
Price and Talbot, Maine’s Visible Black History, 2006, Tilbury House, Gardiner, Maine.
Riis, Jacob, How The Other Half Lives, 1997, Penguin Books, New York.
Sargent, Ruth, Images of America: The Casco Bay Islands, 1995, Arcadia Press, Dover, New Hampshire.
Schmidt, Gary, Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, 2006, Random House, New York.
Shipler, David K., A Country of Strangers: Blacks and Whites in America, 1997, Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
Terkel, Studs, Race: How Black & Whites Think & Feel About the American Obsession, 1992, The New Press, New York.
Williams, Gregory Howard, Life on the Color Line: The True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered He Was Black, 1995, Plume Books, New York.
Wray, Matt, Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness, 2006, Duke University Press, Durham, N.C.
Other resources
“A Century Later, Governor Apologizes for Malaga Island,” Maine Public Broadcasting’s coverage of Governor Baldacci’s apology.
“A Quiet Apology,” in DownEast Magazine about the Maine State Legislature’s unanimous approval of a resolution recognizing “the tragic expulsion of the residents of Malaga Island.” (A .pdf copy of the resolution along with the audio of Legislator Herb Adam’s reading the proclamation can be found in the “Updates” section of this website.”)
“The Maine Experience, Episode 103” a Maine Public Television program produced a 10-minute feature on Malaga in 2010.